to plan something interesting and funny in earnest and organize what we all can enjoy
楽しむ心(Leaping Heart)
5月に発足したIncredible Penguin(以下IP)ですが、6月後半から第0回目(つまりプレ本番ですね)のmissionに向けて、動きだしています。
そのためにも、まずは自分たちがmission completeしなくちゃですね。
第0回mission チーフの小林でした!
The Incredible Penguin (I.P.) has started functioning in May, and late in June we have started working toward our pre-first mission.
Although everything is so unpredictable, we decided to give anything a try and to make it succeed as long as we try. We are currently very busy with preparing for the first mission on 23rd of August!
It is pretty easy to do some kind of mischief or to play joke on somebody on the spot. However, it is not so easy to plan it so that the audience can be entertained and to make it into a film. Frankly speaking, I did not imagine it would be this hard! Artistic ways of thinking and logical plannings are both equally required. Above all, we share this view that the most important quality is that “our heart leaps”. In the future I am hoping to connect with those people with “leaping heart” through I.P.
That is why we have to complete our missions!
Today I went to check the location where the pre-first mission is going to take place accompanying Takao-kun in charge of the scenario. We went Shibuya, Ikebukuro and Shinjuku, visiting four different bars and adding the other two we have visited last week, we managed to narrow them down to a single bar. The location is set.
It will be approved officially at the meeting tomorrow.
Well then, where is the pre-first mission going to be held and what is it going to be like?
I am sorry, but it is yet to be told…!!
If you are interested, you’d better stick with this blog! This blog is to be updated once in two days and you will be able to know about the members and to hear interesting stories other than our missions. We made it a rule that those who write something boring is imposed a fine… so this should make this blog even more interesting to read!
See you soon!
Kobayashi, the chief director of the pre-first mission
~translated by Megumi Ozaki~
Incredible Penguinとは。(What is "Incredible Penguin"?)
ここは、「Incredible Penguin」という団体のBlogです。週に一度集まっている僕らですが、その僕らの「作品」を発信する場の一つとして、また、Misssionがどのように進んでいるのか等、ここでお伝えしていけたらと思います。
さて、とはいっても、そもそも「Incredible Penguin」ってのは何なんだ?!と思った方がほとんどだと思います。
僕らは、アメリカのNYを中心に活動している団体「Improv Everywhere」に刺激を受けてスタートした集まりです。中でも、「Frozen Grand Central」という彼らが行ったMissionに惹かれました。
「Frozen Grand Central」は、簡単に説明すると、駅構内で人々の動きが突然同じタイミングで止まる、というものです。もちろん、タネも仕掛けもあります。「Improv Everywhere」のAgents(この時は207人!!)がそれを行ったのです。
想像できますか? 街中で突然、人々の動きが止まれば、あたかも時間が止まったかのような錯覚に陥ることでしょう。動いていることがアタリマエな場で、その場に似つかわしくない"静"を作り出していること。面白いですよね☆
「Incredible Penguin」は、いろいろな表現はできますが、「面白いこと、可笑しいこと、それを真剣に取り組んでみて、みんなで楽しめるようなことをしでかしてやろう」と思った学生たちの集まりです。
当初、日本で学生を集めて「Frozen in Tokyo」をやってやろうと思いましたが、同じことをやるのは価値が低いので、さらに面白いことを追求していこうと考えは変わりました。
「Incredible Penguin」の目的は、
・ これまでにない、新たなMissionを開発する 。
・Improve Everywhereとつながり、結果を世界に発信する。
以上、「Incredible Penguin」発起人の古賀でした。
This is the blog of an organization called "Incredible Penguin". We, meeting up once a week, are planning to upload our "work" and update how our Mission is going on.
Now, however, we guess most of you have no idea what "Incredible Penguin" really is.
As this is the first article of this blog, we are going to give you a brief explanation about us.
Foundation of "Incredible Penguin" was triggered by the organization called "Improv Everywhere" with its base in New York. Among their missions, one named "Frozen Grand Central" fascinated and inspired us greatly.
"Frozen Grand Central" is in short, a strange phenomenon of people suddenly stopping (as if they are frozen) at the same time in a train station. Of course, there are a lot of tricks to it. The agents of "Improv Everywhere" (207 agents took part!) did it. They froze for five minutes, and the reaction of surprised ordinary passengers was really interesting.
Can you imagine the scene? It should feel as if the time stopped passing if all of a sudden people come to a complete standstill. Creating "standstill" or "silence" that seems so ill-matched to the situation where everybody should continuously be moving... Isn't that something?
"Incredible Penguin" can be explained and described in many ways, but to briefly summarize, it is a group of students wishing to "plan something interesting and funny in earnest and organize what we all can enjoy."
In the beginning, we thought of doing "Frozen in Tokyo", gathering students in Japan. However, we came to conclude that copying is of no fun and no value, so we decided to pursue something more interesting.
The aims of "Incredible Penguin" can be summarized as follows.
・To develop new Missions no one has ever come up with.
・To be connected with "Improv Everywhere" and to send out our results all over the world.
We are going to introduce various Missions using this blog. So please stay with us and enjoy our company!
Coming articles will be about how our Mission is going and stories of the members.
Shunsuke Koga, the proposer of "Incredible Penguin"
~translated by Megumi Ozaki~