to plan something interesting and funny in earnest and organize what we all can enjoy


ミッション(たぶん)インポッシブル: ミッキーマウスを胴上げせよ(MISSION (PROBABLY) IMPOSSIBLE: Toss a Mickey mouse into the air.)




(English translation to be posted soon)


This is the project which operates to toss a Mickey mouse in the air in the Tokyo Disney Land, under some kind of event. Not to mention the Mickey himself in the air, but also the audience will surely be entertained as well as surprised.

However there are some people who will maybe object to this project. It’s those who are behind the Mickey mouse.

For this reason, this project will probably go undone, sadly.

By Bunsuke Oshita

~translated by Megumi Ozaki~












Finally the summer has begun!

Today let me talk about my most impressive mischief that I came across in the past.

One day I did not have school for some reason and I and about fifteen of my friends decided to go bowling in the morning and play soccer at school in the afternoon.

We were supposed to meet at the bowling place at ten o’clock, but a friend called me around nine and said that almost everybody has already arrived there so I had better come as quick as possible. So I rushed out of my house and I saw all of the friends lined up in front of my house, taking photos of me in astonishment!

I totally believed my friend on the phone because his lie sounded so true. I was very much surprised but at the same time, I was really happy. They woke up early, walked for twelve minutes from the nearest station to my house, which is located at forty minutes walk from the bowling place, just for me, preparing just for one tiny moment.

I am hoping to make our mission somehow entertaining, making the audience feel that they are very lucky to see it and make that into a film with a feeling of being at the live performance.

We still have a lot to work on, but we’ve got to go!

By Ayumu Kobayashi

~translated by Megumi Ozaki~





因みに、Incredible Penguinのメンバーの大半は、期は違えど、この研修繋がりの仲間でもあります。3年前に出会った仲間たちと高校を卒業した今でもこうして一緒になってオモシロイコトを追求する、素敵だと思いませんか?

そんな思い入れのある研修のお手伝いに、I.P.メンバーの渡邊くんとお手伝いに来ている僕ですが、2週間の間、しっかりI.P.の広報にも走り回りたいと思っています! 普段関わることのない高校生たちが、どういったものに今関心があるのか、彼らだったらどんなイタズラを思いつくのか、などなど聞いてきます。

話は変わりますが、最後に、最近 いいな!と思ったイタズラを紹介したいと思います。

それは、Improv Everywhereが行った、「Human Mirror」というMissionです!



僕は、こんなMissionをIncredible Penguinを通して追求していけたらな、と日々思っています。何も知らずに見た人が、一目で「面白い!」と感じてしまう。何らかのイタズラをやってみたいなと思っている遊び心に溢れた人ならば、すぐに、「これをマネでもいいからやってみたい!」と思わせるような。

これまで行われていないMissionを実行し、世界に発信するという目的がある以上、同じ「Human Mirror」をやることはないでしょう。でも、一目見た人が、これすごいなっと思えるようなMissionをこれからも追求していき、「Human Mirror」を超える面白さのMissionを実行していきたいと思います。

Shunsuke Koga




I am now back in my home town, Fukuoka. I came back last week and there is another reason for me being here except homecoming. I am here to help a summer school, educating next leaders in Japan, in which I took part three years ago. To briefly explain it, we invite those who are considered to be leaders from various fields and audit their lectures, and we also gather high school students from all around Japan to discuss today’s problems.

Most of the members of Incredible Penguin are, may they be different in what year they participated in the summer camp, the graduates of this course. Those who met three years ago still get together and make something happen. Isn’t it so cool?

Now that I am in Fukuoka to help running the summer camp with one of the I.P. member, Watanabe-kun, I am going to literally run around to familiarize Incredible Penguin to the participants. I am going to ask them what they are interested in now, and what mischief they would want to try, etc.

Now, change of subject. I would like to introduce one mischief that caught my eyes from “Improv Everywhere”, called “Human Mirror”.

This mission is to literally make a human mirror by using fifteen pairs of identical twins on a metro. I think it is easier if you can see the video below.

Frankly speaking, I was amazed and shocked when I first watched the video because it was very funny!

I myself hope to pursuit this kind of mission through Incredible Penguin. Such that makes the audience knowing nothing find it entertaining. Such that makes those with mischievous mind want to actually try it.

As long as we have this purpose to make missions happen and to deliver them to all around the world, we are not going to merely mimic “Human Mirror”. We are going to pursuit the missions that amaze the passing-by audience, that goes beyond “Human Mirror” in terms of quality.

By Shunsuke Koga.

~translated by Megumi Ozaki~