暑い日が続きますね。それもそのはず昨日は大暑、暦の上では日本で最も暑い日です。そのうちバターみたいに溶けちゃうんじゃないと真剣に思ってしまいます。いや、でも本当に人が次々に溶けていったら面白いかも。Incredible Penguinはそんなビックリ人間を随時募集しています!(←ウソです。)
さて、突然ですが皆さん“打ち水”ってご存知ですか?そうです、太陽の光をたくさん浴びたアッツアツの道に文字通り水を涼しくまいていくことです。打水は本来、お茶の席に客人を迎える「おもてなし」として定着した日本の暮らしの文化です。そんな文化をなぜ紹介したかといいますと、近年この打ち水という文化が再認識され、温暖化によるヒートアイランドの抑制やエネルギーの節約に繋がることが期待されているからです。数字的なデータを出すならば打ち水前と後では周辺気温が2℃ほど下がるとのことです。2℃と聞いてたった2℃と思うか、2℃もかと思うかは個人によると思いますが、大暑の昨日そんな打ち水を実際してきた僕の感想を言いますと、2℃で結構変わるんですね。実際やる前より涼しく感じるんです。日本の文化って素晴らしい。もちろん気温が実際下がるという点は重要で素晴らしいのですが、参加すると楽しくて(参加者どうしで仲良くなれますしね)、やることは凄くシンプルだから説明はほぼ不要で端から見てもわかり易い。だから途中参加もできちゃう。そういうのってIncredible Penguinが掲げるミッションに共通するものがあるんじゃないかな。
It is so hot these days. Yesterday was a hottest day in Japan on calendar, so this might explain why. I am pretty much serious in thinking I would melt like butter in the end…Well actually, it would be interesting to see people melting one after another! No no, it is a bad joke, isn’t it…
By the way, do you know what “uchimizu” is? It is to splash water on the hot road heated from sunshine in order to lower the temperature around house. Uchimizu is the Japanese culture established originally as the reception for welcoming the guests visiting for tea ceremony. I introduced such a culture for a reason. For the past few years uchimizu is recognized as one of the solutions to global warming and saving energy. It is said that the temperature would go down by 2 Celsius degree after uchimizu. It is up to you to think whether 2 Celsius degree is a big difference or not, but as for me, tying uchimizu myself yesterday, it does make a big difference. It actually feels much cooler after uchimizu. It is great. Japanese culture is worth trying. The fact that the temperature actually goes down is by no means great, but there is more to it. It is just fun to take part and make friends with new people, and it is so simple that we can learn what uchimizu is just by looking for a few seconds. I believe this important quality does exist in Incredible Penguin’s missions too.
We basically pursue something interesting. They could be funny and sometimes sarcastic. I believed that these qualities are to be extracted from creativity, but I now think that there are a lot to learn from cultures and traditions too.
Watanabe, in charge of general affairs
~Translated by Megumi Ozaki~
to plan something interesting and funny in earnest and organize what we all can enjoy
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