僕達のイタズラも世界中の皆さんに見ていただくために、Youtubeにアップロードするつもりです。もちろん、イタズラの質は最高級をお届けします!でも、その面白さを100%伝えるためには、内容だけじゃ足りないですよね。届ける方法も考えないと!例えば、僕達が触発された団体、「Improv Everywhere」のイタズラ動画とか見ていただくと分かると思うのですが、彼らの演出って上手いですね。僕達Incredible Penguinも面白いことやるよ、って宣言してるわけだから、観客の皆さんに届くまで最高の面白さをキープ。つまり、面白さの鮮度は抜群で(笑)だから、届ける方法も面白く!僕達は、「最高に面白い」を常に考えます。期待していてくださいね。
I am feeling very happy right now! Why am I feeling so good on such a hot and humid day? Let me explain then.
I have been watching a movie till now. At first I have watched “Mr. Bean” and then “The Lord o the Rings”. I know, it is such a random choice! Laughter in the beginning, excitement in the end, and here I am, writing this article. Now I am listening to Christina Aguilera. Writing articles for this blog itself is fun, but good mood make it even more fun.
By the way, have you ever seen films from a few decades ago? Those films are okay, I mean the script, the acting and so, but the problem is the stage direction. The music is worst. For instance in a tense scene where the main characters fight against heavy, no music is played. It somehow seems fool without music. Even if the content is good, it is often not made in to a “film” good enough. It even makes me feel irritated.
I am not only referring to films. In YouTube, I find many funny videos, filming various challenges and silly stuff. Those funny videos have one thing in common: the content fits its music really well. I am often impressed by its harmony. Well for most of the time, I do not worry about it too much though!
As for our mischief, we are going to upload them on YouTube so anyone can see from any place on earth. Of course, I guarantee on its quality! However to fully deliver its content, just the “content” is not good enough. We also have to think about how to deliver it. You will see what I mean If you can see the movies from “Improv Everywhere”, inspiring and triggering the foundation of our organization. As we, Incredible Penguin, are advertising that we are doing something funny, we should keep it in its best shape until it is delivered to you, the audience. We are going to “keep it fresh”! Delivery should be funny too, right? We are always aiming for “first-class funniness”. Be looking forward to it!
~translated by Megumi Ozaki~
to plan something interesting and funny in earnest and organize what we all can enjoy
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